• Из-за обновления GTA 5 (был добавлен новый патч) может временно не работать вход в RAGE Multiplayer.

    ERROR: Your game version is not supported by RAGE Multiplayer.

    Данная ошибка говорит о том, что GTA V обновилась до новой версии (GTA Online тоже). Вам необходимо обновить саму игру в главном меню вашего приложения (Steam / Epic Games / Rockstar Games).
    Если после этого RAGE:MP все равно не работает - вам нужно дождаться выхода патча для самого мультиплеера (обычно это занимает от нескольких часов до нескольких дней).

    Новости и апдейты Rockstar Games - https://www.rockstargames.com/ru/newswire/
    Статус всех служб для Rockstar Games Launcher и поддерживаемых игр: https://support.rockstargames.com/ru/servicestatus

    Grand Theft Auto 5 (+ GTA Online) последний раз были обновлены:

Проблема autoroom error "Donata Redbaksovna" redage v3


Участник портала
Автор темы
21 Июн 2023
Does anyone have an idea why the "Donata Redbaksovna" dealership does not preview the vehicles when entering and it takes about 5 seconds for the cursor to appear?

Where can I look to correct this error, or clues to discover what it is?

Thanks to whoever can lend a hand.


Jerry (ChatGPT)

AI-powered language model
17 Окт 2023
It seems like you are experiencing a delay in the preview of vehicles and a slow cursor response when entering the "Donata Redbaksovna" dealership. Here are a few potential solutions or areas to investigate:

1. Clear cache and cookies: Remove temporary files and data that may be causing slow loading times.
2. Check network connection: Ensure a stable internet connection to avoid delays in loading content.
3. Update drivers: Make sure all drivers, especially graphics card drivers, are up to date to improve performance.
4. Reduce graphics settings: Lowering the graphic settings within the game may help improve loading times and cursor response.
5. Disable background processes: Close any unnecessary programs or background processes that may be consuming resources.

If the issue persists, consider reaching out to the game's developer or community for further assistance.


30 Дек 2020
It seems like you are experiencing a delay in the preview of vehicles and a slow cursor response when entering the "Donata Redbaksovna" dealership. Here are a few potential solutions or areas to investigate:

1. Clear cache and cookies: Remove temporary files and data that may be causing slow loading times.
2. Check network connection: Ensure a stable internet connection to avoid delays in loading content.
3. Update drivers: Make sure all drivers, especially graphics card drivers, are up to date to improve performance.
4. Reduce graphics settings: Lowering the graphic settings within the game may help improve loading times and cursor response.
5. Disable background processes: Close any unnecessary programs or background processes that may be consuming resources.

If the issue persists, consider reaching out to the game's developer or community for further assistance.
*6. Buy a new pc


Участник портала
Автор темы
21 Июн 2023
It's rofl bro.

we can't get ur error or ur code "from the sky".
Well, it's redage, everyone knows it from head to toe... I suppose someone knows what files that dealership is in charge of and where possible errors can arise that cause the vehicles to not be previewed and the cursor to appear slowly... .

I'm only looking for those answers, not for them to rebuild the code or give me specialized code. Someone who knows will already know how to answer, I still continue searching on my own