Написание урона кастомного для того что бы под каждое оружие был дамаг в голову тело и ногу и урон исходил из файла settings.js
const {
} = require('./src/weapons/damageHandler/settings.js');
// The value from this range will determine what percentage of the original damage will be cut
const defaultPercent = {
max: 90,
min: 60
const randomInt = (min, max) => Math.random() * (max - min) + min;
mp.events.add("incomingDamage", (sourceEntity, sourcePlayer, targetEntity, weapon, boneIndex, damage) => {
if (targetEntity.type === "player" && sourcePlayer && !(weapon in ignoreWeapons)) {
if (global.adminGodMode) {
return true;
let max = defaultPercent.max;
let min = defaultPercent.max;
const weaponGroupHash = mp.game.weapon.getWeapontypeGroup(weapon);
if (weapon in damageWeapons) {
max = damageWeapons[weapon].max;
min = damageWeapons[weapon].min;
} else if (weaponGroupHash in damageWeaponGroups) {
max = damageWeaponGroups[weaponGroupHash].max;
min = damageWeaponGroups[weaponGroupHash].min;
const percent = randomInt(min, max) / 100;
let customDamage = damage - (damage * percent);
// Check for a hit in the head. A hit to the head carries with it much more damage than on other points of the body.
if (boneIndex === 10) {
customDamage /= 5;
targetEntity.applyDamageTo(parseInt(customDamage), true);
const currentHealth = targetEntity.getHealth();
// This check is necessary in order for the "PlayerDeath" event to be triggered if the player died after taking damage
if (currentHealth > 0) {
// Setting the initial damage received in the event to 0
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