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Проблема не грузится сборка на debian


Новый участник
17 Сен 2024
с линуксом я дружу вроде как, по этому делал по этой инструкции
ось Debian GNU/Linux 12
в ходе всех телодвижений нигде ошибок не возникло, все отредачил, пересобрал
единственный шаг влево, это то что я сборку положил в другую папку, но я так понял это не роляет

если запускать с винды ту же сборку файлы который переливал на дебиан, она грузится, видно что лезет в бд там, все дела
но с никса результат такой

[INFO] Starting RAGE Multiplayer server...

||      MaxPlayers              100
||      Sync rate               40ms
||      Name                    TEST  server
||      Gamemode                freeroam
||      Streaming distance      300
||      Announcement            enabled
||      Voice chat              disabled
||      Address       
||      Connection limits       disabled
||      Encryption              enabled
||      NodeJS                  enabled
||      C#                      disabled

[INFO] Loading NodeJS packages...
[INFO] Starting packages...
[DONE] Server packages have been started.
[DONE] Started resource transfer server at 22006 port.
[DONE] Client-side packages weight: 121.885605 MB (uncompressed: 223.185715 MB).
[INFO] MasterList: Announcing into master server...
[INFO] Initializing networking...
[DONE] Networking has been started: (IPv4-only) at
[DONE] The server is ready to accept connections.
[DONE] MasterList: Connected to master list.

перечитал инструкции еще пару раз, но так и не понял где косяк
буду признателен если подскажете верное направление

к слову тестил на чистом сервере чуть ранее подключение к БД по документации, сейчас вернул этот js
[DONE] The server is ready to accept connections.
Успешное подключение к базе данных
[DONE] MasterList: Connected to master list.
контакт есть

Jerry (ChatGPT)

AI-powered language model
17 Окт 2023
По вашему описанию, сервер успешно запускается и устанавливает соединение с базой данных, а также с мастер-сервером. Если проблема возникает именно при запуске с Linux, возможно, стоит проверить права доступа к файлам и директориям, используемым сервером на Linux. Также стоит убедиться, что конфигурация сервера на обоих операционных системах одинакова. Возможно, при запуске с Linux сервер не может обратиться к каким-то ресурсам из-за ограничений в настройках операционной системы.


Новый участник
17 Сен 2024
спасибо за наводку

в манах этого не было, а я и не сообразил =\
если у кого то как у меня возникли небольшие трудности после включении шарпа, и виноват Net core, то хороший ман по установке тут:
Net core debian

далее квесты были такие

Process terminated. Couldn't find a valid ICU package installed on the system. Set the configuration flag System.Globalization.Invariant
оверфлоу вроде как утверждал что тут есть эта библиотека
apt-get install -y libicu-dev
но еще пришлось убрать поддержку глобализации
хз на сколько это правильно

далее сервер при запуске ругается
Initializing Bootstrapper.dll (
-> SERVER STARTED AT 09/19/2024 04:32:43
No usable version of libssl was found

это добро у меня уже было заинсталено
sudo apt install libssl-dev
доустановил еще несколько, но помогла эта libssl

далее при запуске в цикле орало
The type initializer for 'GTANetworkInternals.Program' threw an exception.
я уж хз откуда в директории что успело измениться по правам, потому что это я уже проделывал на моменте проблем с заливкой файл через тотал, но вопрос решило
sudo chown -R myuser:myuser ~/ragemp-srv/

возможно кому то поможет инфа выше

но на этом история не заканчивается
Последнее редактирование:
Реакции: Mi-Zaft


Новый участник
17 Сен 2024
меня из этого

[INFO] Starting RAGE Multiplayer server...

||      MaxPlayers              100
||      Sync rate               40ms
||      Name                    TEST  server
||      Gamemode                freeroam
||      Streaming distance      300
||      Announcement            enabled
||      Voice chat              disabled
||      Address       
||      Connection limits       disabled
||      Encryption              enabled
||      NodeJS                  enabled
||      C#                      enabled

[INFO] Loading NodeJS packages...
[INFO] Starting packages...
[DONE] Server packages have been started.
Initializing Bootstrapper.dll (
-> SERVER STARTED AT 09/19/2024 06:27:52
Unable to load acl.xml
ACLEnabled: False
Loaded 667 entries from vehicleData.json
Loading resources..
-> Starting NeptuneEvo resource..
NeptuneEvo: loading scripts.. found 1 script(s)
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Main..
Object cannot be cast from DBNull to other types.
Object cannot be cast from DBNull to other types.
06:27:53.660 | Info | Main | No Connect To Main DataBase
Object cannot be cast from DBNull to other types.
Object cannot be cast from DBNull to other types.
06:27:53.682 | Info | Main | No Connect To Main Config
06:27:53.842 | Info | Utils.Redis | Start: All ok. For server: 0
06:27:53.846 | Info | Main | Backup Starting
Object cannot be cast from DBNull to other types.
Object cannot be cast from DBNull to other types.
06:27:53.860 | Info | nTimer | Elapsed(62c7a7fc-2451-471e-826e-7cb2451b0a05,MS:0,ONCE:True,From:) Task #1 Exception: System.InvalidCastException: Object cannot be cast from DBNull to other types.
   at System.DBNull.System.IConvertible.ToInt32(IFormatProvider provider)
   at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.Driver.LoadCharacterSets(MySqlConnection connection)
   at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.Driver.Configure(MySqlConnection connection)
   at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection.Open()
   at NeptuneEvo.Functions.BackupSql.Backup() in C:\redage_v3-main\dotnet\resources\NeptuneEvo\Functions\BackupSql.cs:line 30
   at Redage.SDK.nTimer.<Elapsed>b__32_0() in C:\redage_v3-main\dotnet\resources\NeptuneEvoSDK\Timers.cs:line 428
06:27:53.883 | Succ | Core.Economy | Economy loaded.
06:27:53.896 | Info | Chars.Repository | [00:00:00.0018642] Inventory system loaded (0)
The given key '63' was not present in the dictionary.
The given key '63' was not present in the dictionary.
06:27:53.973 | Info | MoneySystem.Bank | Loading Bank Accounts...
The given key '63' was not present in the dictionary.
Object cannot be cast from DBNull to other types.
Object cannot be cast from DBNull to other types.
Object cannot be cast from DBNull to other types.
The given key '63' was not present in the dictionary.
The given key '63' was not present in the dictionary.
Object cannot be cast from DBNull to other types.
The given key '63' was not present in the dictionary.
Object cannot be cast from DBNull to other types.
The given key '63' was not present in the dictionary.
The given key '63' was not present in the dictionary.
The given key '63' was not present in the dictionary.
The given key '63' was not present in the dictionary.
The given key '63' was not present in the dictionary.
Object cannot be cast from DBNull to other types.
Object cannot be cast from DBNull to other types.
The given key '63' was not present in the dictionary.
The given key '63' was not present in the dictionary.
Object cannot be cast from DBNull to other types.
The given key '63' was not present in the dictionary.
Object cannot be cast from DBNull to other types.
The given key '63' was not present in the dictionary.
The given key '63' was not present in the dictionary.
Object cannot be cast from DBNull to other types.
The given key '63' was not present in the dictionary.
The given key '63' was not present in the dictionary.
Object cannot be cast from DBNull to other types.
The given key '63' was not present in the dictionary.
The given key '63' was not present in the dictionary.
Object cannot be cast from DBNull to other types.
The given key '63' was not present in the dictionary.
Object cannot be cast from DBNull to other types.
The given key '63' was not present in the dictionary.
Unhandled exception. The given key '63' was not present in the dictionary.
System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key '63' was not present in the dictionary.
   at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key)
   at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlField.SetFieldEncoding()
   at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlField.set_CharacterSetIndex(Int32 value)
   at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.NativeDriver.GetColumnData(MySqlField field)
   at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.NativeDriver.GetColumnsData(MySqlField[] columns)
   at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.Driver.GetColumns(Int32 count)
   at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.ResultSet.LoadColumns(Int32 numCols)
   at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.ResultSet..ctor(Driver d, Int32 statementId, Int32 numCols)
   at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.Driver.NextResult(Int32 statementId, Boolean force)
   at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlDataReader.NextResult()
   at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlDataReader.Close()
   at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand.ResetReader()
   at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior)
   at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand.ExecuteDbDataReader(CommandBehavior behavior)
   at System.Data.Common.DbCommand.ExecuteDbDataReaderAsync(CommandBehavior behavior, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
   at LinqToDB.Data.DataConnection.ExecuteReaderAsync(CommandBehavior commandBehavior, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
   at LinqToDB.Data.DataConnection.QueryRunner.ExecuteReaderAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
   at LinqToDB.Linq.QueryRunner.ExecuteQueryAsync[T](Query query, IDataContext dataContext, Mapper`1 mapper, Expression expression, Object[] ps, Object[] preambles, Int32 queryNumber, Func`2 func, TakeSkipDelegate skipAction, TakeSkipDelegate takeAction, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
   at LinqToDB.Linq.QueryRunner.ExecuteQueryAsync[T](Query query, IDataContext dataContext, Mapper`1 mapper, Expression expression, Object[] ps, Object[] preambles, Int32 queryNumber, Func`2 func, TakeSkipDelegate skipAction, TakeSkipDelegate takeAction, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
   at LinqToDB.Linq.ExpressionQuery`1.GetForEachAsync(Action`1 action, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
   at LinqToDB.AsyncExtensions.ToListAsync[TSource](IQueryable`1 source, CancellationToken token)
   at NeptuneEvo.Chars.Repository.InitRoulette() in C:\redage_v3-main\dotnet\resources\NeptuneEvo\Chars\Repository.cs:line 1083
   at NeptuneEvo.Chars.Repository.InitRoulette() in C:\redage_v3-main\dotnet\resources\NeptuneEvo\Chars\Repository.cs:line 1147
   at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.<>c.<ThrowAsync>b__139_1(Object state)
   at System.Threading.QueueUserWorkItemCallback.<>c.<.cctor>b__6_0(QueueUserWorkItemCallback quwi)
   at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunForThreadPoolUnsafe[TState](ExecutionContext executionContext, Action`1 callback, TState& state)
   at System.Threading.QueueUserWorkItemCallback.Execute()
   at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch()
   at System.Threading._ThreadPoolWaitCallback.PerformWaitCallback()
Object cannot be cast from DBNull to other types.
Unhandled exception. Aborted

смущает что тут указано место компила сборки
at NeptuneEvo.Functions.BackupSql.Backup() in C:\redage_v3-main\dotnet\resources\NeptuneEvo\Functions\BackupSql.cs:line 30
at Redage.SDK.nTimer.<Elapsed>b__32_0() in C:\redage_v3-main\dotnet\resources\NeptuneEvoSDK\Timers.cs:line 428
я как то не так собрал?


15 Окт 2020
ну это уже ошибка в коде, типа
в ошибке написано, что ты читаешь из бд Null, который пытаешься куда-то присвоить, и так делать нельзя


Новый участник
17 Сен 2024
но я в коде менял только логин пароль к скулю, тут и тут
оно и пишет вроде как
Connection refused [::1]:3306
07:03:33.335 | Info | Main | No Connect To Main DataBase
07:03:33.356 | Info | Main | No Connect To Main Config


myuser:/mydir/ragemp-srv$ mysql -u redage -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MariaDB monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 1039
Server version: 10.11.6-MariaDB-0+deb12u1 Debian 12

Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

MariaDB [(none)]>

проверил из под юзера которого вписывал в конфиги, права во всех трех банках есть. таблицы заливались без эроров

+ mainDB.json
"OtherList": [],
"Name": "MainDB",
"Server": "",
"DataBase": "ra3_main",
"User": "redage",
"Password": "mypass"

на винде причем это добро заводится.
не понятно =\


Новый участник
17 Сен 2024
перерыл весь форум на предмет ошибки - Object cannot be cast from DBNull to other types. Тем много, много чего пробовал, но увы смотрел я похоже не на то что нужно.
очень коротко о итогах проделанной работы
если на винде в конфигах указываю локалхост, все ок +-.
если указываю на дебиан, то получаю ту же ошибку
очевидно проблема в mariadb

в момент запуска сборки наблюдаю такую картину
Sep 19 16:52:30 mariadbd[14021]: 2024-09-19 16:52:30 5 [Warning] Aborted connection 5 to db: 'ra3_main' user: 'redage' host: '' (Got an error reading communication packets)
Sep 19 16:52:30 mariadbd[14021]: 2024-09-19 16:52:30 6 [Warning] Aborted connection 6 to db: 'ra3_main' user: 'redage' host: '' (Got an error reading communication packets)
Sep 19 16:52:30 mariadbd[14021]: 2024-09-19 16:52:30 7 [Warning] Aborted connection 7 to db: 'ra3_mainconfig' user: 'redage' host: '' (Got an error reading communication packets)
Sep 19 16:52:30 mariadbd[14021]: 2024-09-19 16:52:30 9 [Warning] Aborted connection 9 to db: 'ra3_mainconfig' user: 'redage' host: '' (Got an error reading communication packets)
Sep 19 16:52:30 mariadbd[14021]: 2024-09-19 16:52:30 8 [Warning] Aborted connection 8 to db: 'ra3_main' user: 'redage' host: '' (Got an error reading communication packets)

гугл советует поиграться с этими параметрами

но какие бы цифры я не подставлял, результата это не дает.
о последующих танцах с бубном отпишусь
Реакции: Inoi


Активный участник
13 Сен 2023
@FibberGlass проверь версии дампа бд , и версию самой бд .
Плюс когда сменил , раскрой ttf файлы и посмотри получило ли ядро метаданные от базы.
Если файл будет пустой , значит проблема заключается в соединении с базой или не верной версии .
P.s. Сам с такой проблемой столкнулся недавно
Реакции: FibberGlass


Новый участник
17 Сен 2024
другое дело

[INFO] Starting RAGE Multiplayer server...

|| MaxPlayers 100
|| Sync rate 40ms
|| Name TEST server
|| Gamemode freeroam
|| Streaming distance 300
|| Announcement enabled
|| Voice chat disabled
|| Address
|| Connection limits disabled
|| Encryption enabled
|| NodeJS enabled
|| C# enabled

[INFO] Loading NodeJS packages...
[INFO] Starting packages...
[DONE] Server packages have been started.
Initializing Bootstrapper.dll (
-> SERVER STARTED AT 09/20/2024 09:29:25
Unable to load acl.xml
ACLEnabled: False
Loaded 667 entries from vehicleData.json
Loading resources..
-> Starting NeptuneEvo resource..
NeptuneEvo: loading scripts.. found 1 script(s)
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Main..
09:29:27.332 | Info | Main | Connect to Main DataBase - 0
09:29:27.357 | Info | Main | Connect to Main Config - 545
09:29:27.517 | Info | Utils.Redis | Start: All ok. For server: 0
09:29:27.521 | Info | Main | Backup Starting
09:29:27.557 | Succ | Core.Economy | Economy loaded.
09:29:27.571 | Info | Chars.Repository | [00:00:00.0011472] Inventory system loaded (0)
09:29:27.666 | Info | MoneySystem.Bank | Loading Bank Accounts...
09:29:28.122 | Info | Main | Backup End
09:29:28.247 | Succ | Houses.GarageManager | Loaded 1627 garages.
09:29:28.261 | Succ | Houses.HouseFurniture | Loaded 1011 players furnitures.
09:29:28.676 | Succ | Houses.HouseManager | Loaded 1627 houses.
09:29:28.679 | Info | Core.Vehicle | Loading Vehicles...
09:29:28.692 | Succ | Core.Vehicle | Vehicles are loaded (0) | Перенесли item - 0 шт.
09:29:28.737 | Info | Events.Island | Island loaded
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Trigger..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.World.Chat..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.World.War.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.World.PayDayBonus.Repository..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Voice.Voice..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.VehicleModel.AirAutoRoom..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.VehicleModel.DonateAutoRoom..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.VehicleModel.Drone..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.VehicleModel.EliteAutoRoom..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.VehicleModel.vMain..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Table.Tasks.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Table.Tasks.Patrolling.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Quests.Dada..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Quests.Edward..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Quests.Zak..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Quests.Zdobich..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Quests.qMain..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Quests.Doctor..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Quests.Granny..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Quests.Tracy..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Quests.Wedding..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.PritonCode.RadioPoints..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Players.Session.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Players.Restart.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Players.Popup.List.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Players.Popup.Input.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Players.Popup.Info.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Players.Phone.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Players.Phone.Tinder.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Players.Phone.Taxi.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Players.Phone.Taxi.Orders.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Players.Phone.Settings.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Players.Phone.Recents.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Players.Phone.Property.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Players.Phone.Property.House.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Players.Phone.Property.Businesses.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Players.Phone.Property.Businesses.Orders.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Players.Phone.News.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Players.Phone.Messages.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Players.Phone.Mechanic.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Players.Phone.Mechanic.Orders.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Players.Phone.Gps.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Players.Phone.Gallery.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Players.Phone.Forbes.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Players.Phone.Contacts.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Players.Phone.Cars.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Players.Phone.Call.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Players.Phone.BlackList.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Players.Phone.Auction.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Players.Connect.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.PedSystem.Repository..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.PedSystem.Pet.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.PedSystem.LivingCity.Repository..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvrganizations.Manager..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvrganizations.Table.Vehicle.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvrganizations.Table.Upgrate.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvrganizations.Table.Settings.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvrganizations.Table.Rank.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvrganizations.Table.Player.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvrganizations.Table.Logs.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvrganizations.Table.Department.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvrganizations.Table.Board.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvrganizations.FamilyZones.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.NewCasino.Blackjack..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.NewCasino.Horses..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.NewCasino.LuckyWheel..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.NewCasino.Roullete..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.NewCasino.Spin..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.MoneySystem.Bank..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.MoneySystem.ATM..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.MoneySystem.Casino..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.MoneySystem.DonatePack..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.MoneySystem.Donations..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.MoneySystem.Lottery..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.MoneySystem.Wallet..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Jobs.AutoMechanic..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Jobs.Bus..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Jobs.Collector..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Jobs.Electrician..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Jobs.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Jobs.Gopostal..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Jobs.Lawnmower..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Jobs.Lumberjack..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Jobs.Miner..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Jobs.Taxi..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Jobs.Truckers..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Jobs.WorkManager..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Inventory.Tent.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Inventory.Drop.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Houses.GarageManager..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Houses.Hotel..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Houses.FurnitureManager..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Houses.HouseManager..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Houses.Rieltagency.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.GUI.Docs..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Functions.CommandsAccess..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Functions.CustomColShape..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Functions.InteractionCollection..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Functions.FunctionsAccess..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Functions.KeyClamp..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Functions.Other..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.Army..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.Cityhall..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.Configs..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.CarDelivery..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.ElectionsSystem..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.Ems..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.AlcoFabrication..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.Fbi..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.FractionClothingSets..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.FractionCommands..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.fTable..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.GangsCapture..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.Gangs..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.Mafia..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.MafiaWars..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.Manager..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.Stocks..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.MatsWar..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.Merryweather..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.Police..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.Sheriff..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.Ticket..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.Table.Vehicle.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.Table.Tasks.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.Table.Settings.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.Table.Rank.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.Table.Player.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.Table.Logs.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.Table.Department.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.Table.Clothes.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.Table.Board.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.LSNews.LsNewsSystem..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.LSNews.LiveStream.LiveStreamSystem..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Events.Airsoft..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Events.CustomDamage..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Events.EventsMenu..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Events.EverydayAward..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Events.Festive..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Events.Island..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Events.Metro..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Events.Parachute..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Events.StreetRace..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Events.TankRoyale..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Events.HeliCrash.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Events.AirDrop.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Events.AirDrop.Repository..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.Admin..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.AdminSP..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.Animations..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.BasicSync..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.BusinessManager..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.CarRoom..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.Commands..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.Commands_new_shardban..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.Customization..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.Dimensions..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.Doormanager..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.DrivingSchool..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.Economy..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.EventSys..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.Fingerpointing..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.ParticleFx..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.Rentcar..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.ReportSys..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.SafeMain..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.SafeZones..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.SeatingArrangements..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.Selecting..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.Sounds..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.SyncThread..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.VehicleManager..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.VehicleStreaming..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.WeaponRepository..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.MafiaGame..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.FakeCars.Spawner..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Chars.Attachments..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Chars.ClothesComponents..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Chars.Donate..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Chars.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Chars.Repository..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Chars.Stock..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Chars.UpdateData..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Chars.WeaponComponents..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Character.Load.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Character.Delete.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Character.Create.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Character.Config.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Character.BindConfig.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Businesses.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Businesses.History.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.BattlePass.Repository..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Accounts.Registration.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Accounts.Recovery.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Accounts.Merger.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Accounts.Email.Registration.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Accounts.Email.Confirmation.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Accounts.Autorization.Events..
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 3 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 2 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 2 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 2 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 2 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 3 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 2 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 3 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 2 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 2 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 2 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 2 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 2 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 2 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 2 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 2 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 2 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 4 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 2 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 4 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 2 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 2 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loaded 111 server events(s)
Cannot bind to the target method because its signature is not compatible with that of the delegate type.
Void OnPlayerConnected(NeptuneEvo.Handles.ExtPlayer) doesn't match event signature ("PlayerConnected"). Check return value and arguments types.
-> Error starting 'NeptuneEvo'
System.ApplicationException: Void OnPlayerConnected(NeptuneEvo.Handles.ExtPlayer) doesn't match event signature ("PlayerConnected"). Check return value and arguments types.
at GTANetworkInternals.EventHandler.CollectDelegates[T](Event eventId)
at GTANetworkInternals.EventHandler.Reload()
at GTANetworkInternals.EventHandler.Register(Resources res)
at GTANetworkInternals.GameServer.StartResource(String resourceName, String parent)

Started! Waiting for connections..
[DONE] Started resource transfer server at 22006 port.
[DONE] Client-side packages weight: 121.885605 MB (uncompressed: 223.185715 MB).
[INFO] MasterList: Announcing into master server...
[INFO] Initializing networking...
[DONE] Networking has been started: (IPv4-only) at
[DONE] The server is ready to accept connections.
[DONE] MasterList: Connected to master list.

я увидел в инструкции что 10.5 нужна, ну как бы)

ну 10.5 и 10.5, а тут поковырявшись в коде увидел коменты что 10.5.26 максималка
версии дампа правды ради 10.10.2

но и поставить 10.5.26 та еще задачка на 12 дебиан оказалась
mariadb_repo_setup этот скрипт не рабочий у mariadb
руками думал уже собирать, но скачав тарбол не обнаружил что make`ть тоже нет, почитав ридми решил что пойду еще поищу

в общем, что бы вам время сэкономить ( тем кто страдает такой же фигней как и я =) )
Скрипт этот от официалов хоть и не отрабатывает но автоматически добавляет вам их реп(если версия дебиана ниже 12й то мб и он сойдет)
а это вам несколько зеркал, если вы все таки тоже пилите на 12й (я дергал с докера)
и предварительно закоментируйте на время репозитории дебиана
потому что если apt-get install mariadb-server-10.5, то тащить он приоритетно будет оттуда стейбл 10.11.6, а вам это не нужно

всем спасибо. тему можно закрыть
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