• Из-за обновления GTA 5 (был добавлен новый патч) может временно не работать вход в RAGE Multiplayer.

    ERROR: Your game version is not supported by RAGE Multiplayer.

    Данная ошибка говорит о том, что GTA V обновилась до новой версии (GTA Online тоже). Вам необходимо обновить саму игру в главном меню вашего приложения (Steam / Epic Games / Rockstar Games).
    Если после этого RAGE:MP все равно не работает - вам нужно дождаться выхода патча для самого мультиплеера (обычно это занимает от нескольких часов до нескольких дней).

    Новости и апдейты Rockstar Games - https://www.rockstargames.com/ru/newswire/
    Статус всех служб для Rockstar Games Launcher и поддерживаемых игр: https://support.rockstargames.com/ru/servicestatus

    Grand Theft Auto 5 (+ GTA Online) последний раз были обновлены:


Начинающий специалист
23 Июн 2023
Столкнулся с проблемой, всё установил правильно, в консоли всё ок, но при заходе на сервер просто спавниться перс в мире в стандарт скине, но более ничего не появляется.

[INFO] Starting RAGE Multiplayer server...

||      MaxPlayers              100
||      Sync rate               40ms
||      Name                    RAGE:MP Unofficial server
||      Gamemode                roleplay
||      Streaming distance      500
||      Announcement            disabled
||      Voice chat              disabled
||      Address       
||      Connection limits       disabled
||      Encryption              enabled
||      NodeJS                  enabled
||      C#                      enabled

[INFO] Loading NodeJS packages...
[INFO] Starting packages...
[DONE] Server packages have been started.
Initializing Bootstrapper.dll (
-> SERVER STARTED AT 11.05.2024 21:39:08
Unable to load acl.xml
ACLEnabled: False
Loaded 667 entries from vehicleData.json
Loading resources..
-> Starting NeptuneEvo resource..
NeptuneEvo: loading scripts.. found 1 script(s)
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Main..
21:39:10.422 | Info | Main | Connect to Main DataBase - 0
21:39:10.446 | Info | Main | Connect to Main Config - 545
21:39:10.617 | Info | Utils.Redis | Start: All ok. For server: 0
21:39:10.623 | Info | Main | Backup Starting
21:39:10.667 | Succ | Core.Economy | Economy loaded.
21:39:10.696 | Info | Chars.Repository | [00:00:00.0113163] Inventory system loaded (48)
21:39:10.817 | Info | MoneySystem.Bank | Loading Bank Accounts...
21:39:11.398 | Succ | Houses.GarageManager | Loaded 1627 garages.
21:39:11.415 | Succ | Houses.HouseFurniture | Loaded 1011 players furnitures.
21:39:12.053 | Succ | Houses.HouseManager | Loaded 1627 houses.
21:39:12.059 | Info | Core.Vehicle | Loading Vehicles...
21:39:12.087 | Succ | Core.Vehicle | Vehicles are loaded (0) | Перенесли item - 0 шт.
21:39:12.167 | Info | Events.Island | Island loaded
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Trigger..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.World.Chat..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.World.War.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.World.PayDayBonus.Repository..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Voice.Voice..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.VehicleModel.AirAutoRoom..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.VehicleModel.DonateAutoRoom..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.VehicleModel.Drone..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.VehicleModel.EliteAutoRoom..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.VehicleModel.vMain..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Table.Tasks.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Table.Tasks.Patrolling.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Quests.Dada..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Quests.Edward..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Quests.Zak..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Quests.Zdobich..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Quests.qMain..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Quests.Doctor..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Quests.Granny..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Quests.Tracy..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Quests.Wedding..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.PritonCode.RadioPoints..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Players.Session.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Players.Restart.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Players.Popup.List.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Players.Popup.Input.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Players.Popup.Info.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Players.Phone.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Players.Phone.Tinder.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Players.Phone.Taxi.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Players.Phone.Taxi.Orders.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Players.Phone.Settings.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Players.Phone.Recents.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Players.Phone.Property.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Players.Phone.Property.House.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Players.Phone.Property.Businesses.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Players.Phone.Property.Businesses.Orders.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Players.Phone.News.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Players.Phone.Messages.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Players.Phone.Mechanic.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Players.Phone.Mechanic.Orders.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Players.Phone.Gps.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Players.Phone.Gallery.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Players.Phone.Forbes.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Players.Phone.Contacts.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Players.Phone.Cars.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Players.Phone.Call.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Players.Phone.BlackList.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Players.Phone.Auction.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Players.Connect.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.PedSystem.Repository..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.PedSystem.Pet.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.PedSystem.LivingCity.Repository..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Organizations.Manager..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Organizations.Table.Vehicle.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Organizations.Table.Upgrate.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Organizations.Table.Settings.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Organizations.Table.Rank.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Organizations.Table.Player.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Organizations.Table.Logs.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Organizations.Table.Department.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Organizations.Table.Board.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Organizations.FamilyZones.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.NewCasino.Blackjack..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.NewCasino.Horses..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.NewCasino.Roullete..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.NewCasino.Spin..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.MoneySystem.Bank..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.MoneySystem.ATM..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.MoneySystem.Casino..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.MoneySystem.DonatePack..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.MoneySystem.Donations..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.MoneySystem.Lottery..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.MoneySystem.Wallet..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Jobs.AutoMechanic..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Jobs.Bus..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Jobs.Collector..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Jobs.Electrician..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Jobs.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Jobs.Gopostal..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Jobs.Lawnmower..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Jobs.Lumberjack..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Jobs.Miner..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Jobs.Taxi..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Jobs.Truckers..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Jobs.WorkManager..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Inventory.Tent.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Inventory.Drop.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Houses.GarageManager..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Houses.Hotel..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Houses.FurnitureManager..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Houses.HouseManager..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Houses.Rieltagency.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.GUI.Docs..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Functions.CommandsAccess..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Functions.CustomColShape..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Functions.InteractionCollection..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Functions.FunctionsAccess..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Functions.KeyClamp..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Functions.Other..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.Army..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.Cityhall..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.Configs..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.CarDelivery..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.ElectionsSystem..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.Ems..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.AlcoFabrication..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.Fbi..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.FractionClothingSets..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.FractionCommands..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.fTable..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.GangsCapture..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.Gangs..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.Mafia..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.MafiaWars..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.Manager..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.Stocks..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.MatsWar..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.Merryweather..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.Police..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.Sheriff..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.Ticket..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.Table.Vehicle.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.Table.Tasks.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.Table.Settings.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.Table.Rank.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.Table.Player.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.Table.Logs.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.Table.Department.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.Table.Clothes.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.Table.Board.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.LSNews.LsNewsSystem..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.LSNews.LiveStream.LiveStreamSystem..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Events.Airsoft..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Events.CustomDamage..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Events.EventsMenu..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Events.EverydayAward..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Events.Festive..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Events.Island..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Events.Parachute..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Events.StreetRace..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Events.TankRoyale..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Events.HeliCrash.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Events.AirDrop.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Events.AirDrop.Repository..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.Admin..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.AdminSP..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.Animations..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.BasicSync..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.BusinessManager..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.CarRoom..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.Commands..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.Commands_new_shardban..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.Customization..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.Dimensions..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.Doormanager..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.DrivingSchool..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.Economy..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.EventSys..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.Fingerpointing..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.ParticleFx..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.Rentcar..
21:39:12.481 | Info | Main | Backup End
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.ReportSys..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.SafeMain..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.SafeZones..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.SeatingArrangements..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.Selecting..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.Sounds..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.SyncThread..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.VehicleManager..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.VehicleStreaming..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.WeaponRepository..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.MafiaGame..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.FakeCars.Spawner..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Chars.Attachments..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Chars.ClothesComponents..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Chars.Donate..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Chars.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Chars.Repository..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Chars.Stock..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Chars.UpdateData..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Chars.WeaponComponents..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Character.Load.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Character.Delete.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Character.Create.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Character.Config.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Character.BindConfig.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Businesses.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Businesses.History.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.BattlePass.Repository..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Accounts.Registration.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Accounts.Recovery.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Accounts.Merger.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Accounts.Email.Registration.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Accounts.Email.Confirmation.Events..
NeptuneEvo: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Accounts.Autorization.Events..
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 3 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 2 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 2 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 2 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 2 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 3 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 2 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 3 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 2 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 2 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 2 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 2 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 2 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 2 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 2 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 2 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 2 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 4 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 2 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 4 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 2 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 2 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loaded 110 server events(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading commands.. found 3 command(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading commands.. found 3 command(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading commands.. found 1 command(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading commands.. found 3 command(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading commands.. found 1 command(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading commands.. found 1 command(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading commands.. found 1 command(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading commands.. found 3 command(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading commands.. found 3 command(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading commands.. found 1 command(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading commands.. found 5 command(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading commands.. found 6 command(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading commands.. found 17 command(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading commands.. found 2 command(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading commands.. found 1 command(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading commands.. found 6 command(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading commands.. found 1 command(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading commands.. found 2 command(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading commands.. found 1 command(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading commands.. found 1 command(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading commands.. found 2 command(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading commands.. found 2 command(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading commands.. found 3 command(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading commands.. found 5 command(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading commands.. found 1 command(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading commands.. found 269 command(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading commands.. found 1 command(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading commands.. found 16 command(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading commands.. found 1 command(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading commands.. found 1 command(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading commands.. found 1 command(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading commands.. found 4 command(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading commands.. found 3 command(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading commands.. found 1 command(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading commands.. found 2 command(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading commands.. found 1 command(s)
NeptuneEvo: loaded 375 commands(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 24 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 1 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 11 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 1 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 1 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 1 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 5 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 1 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 1 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 1 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 1 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 1 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 3 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 3 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 2 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 2 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 7 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 1 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 1 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 1 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 6 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 3 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 2 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 6 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 2 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 2 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 1 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 2 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 1 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 3 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 1 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 3 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 2 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 5 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 1 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 7 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 1 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 5 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 2 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 2 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 12 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 8 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 1 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 12 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 4 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 2 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 4 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 3 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 5 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 3 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 3 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 3 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 2 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 7 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 8 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 1 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 2 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 1 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 2 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 11 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 2 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 5 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 1 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 2 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 1 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 2 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 1 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 1 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 2 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 1 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 4 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 1 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 4 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 1 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 5 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 2 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 4 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 4 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 2 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 8 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 7 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 1 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 12 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 3 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 4 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 6 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 7 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 4 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 6 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 1 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 7 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 2 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 1 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 3 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 3 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 5 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 1 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 2 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 3 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 1 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 16 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 5 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 3 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 1 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 1 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 2 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 3 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 3 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 3 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 2 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 11 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 4 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 5 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 4 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 3 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 2 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 10 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 19 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 3 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 1 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 1 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 1 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 1 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 1 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 6 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 1 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 1 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 1 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 1 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading remote events.. found 1 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loaded 468 remote event(s)
NeptuneEvo: loading exported functions.. found 1 exported function(s)
21:39:12.772 | Succ | Main | Accounts loaded.
21:39:12.774 | Succ | Main | Characters loaded.
21:39:12.795 | Succ | Core.SyncThread | PromoCodes loaded 0.
21:39:12.812 | Succ | Core.SyncThread | BonusCodes loaded 0.
21:39:12.931 | Info | Core.Ban | Banned Deleted
[00:00:00.0016103] Load Tinder (0)
21:39:13.241 | Succ | Main | Fractions loaded.
21:39:13.253 | Succ | Main | Organizations loaded.
21:39:13.384 | Succ | MoneySystem.Bank | ATMs loaded
21:39:13.468 | Info | Inventory.Tent.Repository | Load Tent 53
21:39:13.922 | Warn | Core.Weapons | Table 'weapons' returns null result
21:39:13.997 | Info | Chars.ClothesComponents | Load Hair
21:39:14.031 | Info | Chars.ClothesComponents | Load Beard
21:39:14.059 | Info | Chars.ClothesComponents | Load Body
21:39:14.086 | Info | Chars.ClothesComponents | Load Eyebrows
21:39:14.129 | Info | Chars.ClothesComponents | Load Eyes
21:39:14.158 | Info | Chars.ClothesComponents | Load Lips
21:39:14.196 | Info | Chars.ClothesComponents | Load Makeup
21:39:14.232 | Info | Chars.ClothesComponents | Load Palette
21:39:14.233 | Info | Chars.ClothesComponents | Load Barber
21:39:14.379 | Info | Chars.ClothesComponents | Load Tattoo
21:39:14.403 | Info | Chars.ClothesComponents | Load Bugs
21:39:14.470 | Info | Chars.ClothesComponents | Load Masks
21:39:14.544 | Info | Chars.ClothesComponents | Load Hats
21:39:14.591 | Info | Chars.ClothesComponents | Load Accessories
21:39:14.628 | Info | Chars.ClothesComponents | Load Ears
21:39:14.670 | Info | Chars.ClothesComponents | Load Glasses
21:39:14.710 | Info | Chars.ClothesComponents | Load Legs
21:39:14.750 | Info | Chars.ClothesComponents | Load Shoes
21:39:14.831 | Info | Chars.ClothesComponents | Load Tops
21:39:14.863 | Info | Chars.ClothesComponents | Load Watches
21:39:14.893 | Info | Chars.ClothesComponents | Load Bracelets
21:39:14.924 | Info | Chars.ClothesComponents | Load Torsos
21:39:14.954 | Info | Chars.ClothesComponents | Load BodyArmors
21:39:14.985 | Info | Chars.ClothesComponents | Load Decals
21:39:14.996 | Info | Chars.ClothesComponents | Load Clothes
-> Resource NeptuneEvo started!
Started! Waiting for connections..
[DONE] Started resource transfer server at 22006 port.
[DONE] Client-side packages weight: 4409.579102 MB (uncompressed: 4686.049805 MB).
[INFO] Initializing networking...
[DONE] Networking has been started: (IPv4-only) at
[DONE] The server is ready to accept connections.
FakeCarSpawner | 0 fake cars spawned successfully!
Цеф не сбилдил

Harland David Sanders

Куратор портала
Команда форума
Куратор портала
high coder
10 Сен 2020
Harland David Sanders обновил(а) ресурс Готовый мод сервера REDAGE RP 3.0 для мультиплеера RAGE:MP на базе RedAge (NeptuneEvo) новой записью:


Узнать больше об этом обновлении...
Последнее редактирование:

Harland David Sanders

Куратор портала
Команда форума
Куратор портала
high coder
10 Сен 2020

Harland David Sanders

Куратор портала
Команда форума
Куратор портала
high coder
10 Сен 2020

Harland David Sanders

Куратор портала
Команда форума
Куратор портала
high coder
10 Сен 2020


Участник портала
1 Окт 2023
Добрый день всем кто читает я заранее прошу прощение за глупый вопрос но кто может рассказать как именно заливать одежу (DLS) и прописывать её в магазинах на этой сборке.
PS если данный гайд уже есть прошу тыкнуть меня в него ):j33r:


Начинающий специалист
23 Июн 2023
Добрый день всем кто читает я заранее прошу прощение за глупый вопрос но кто может рассказать как именно заливать одежу (DLS) и прописывать её в магазинах на этой сборке.
PS если данный гайд уже есть прошу тыкнуть меня в него ):j33r:
Юзаешь команду /tsc выбираешь нужный шмот, прописвваешь его в бд в соответствующий раздел.


Участник портала
1 Окт 2023
Юзаешь команду /tsc выбираешь нужный шмот, прописвваешь его в бд в соответствующий раздел
а перед этим я закидываю в папку :C:\Server\client_packages\game_resources\dlcpacks и он должен сам появиться в этом меню или мне нужно где-то прописать его подкачку ?


Участник портала
19 Июл 2023
hello, I installed everything perfectly
just a problem after installing on vps
I can't connect to the game from my computer
I enter the IP and the resources do not download and at some point it tells me that the connection has been lost



  • imagine_2024-05-20_223157342.png
    594.5 KB · Просмотры: 31
Последнее редактирование:


Участник портала
14 Апр 2024


Участник портала
20 Май 2024

Ну да, как пишет человек, который составлял инструкцию, мне 5 лет))) Мне вот интересно, а я один с такой проблемой столкнулся. Мне еще нравится, что мне нельзя нигде поменять порт подключения к БД MariaDB, так как 3306 занят MySQL, и я ставил другой порт. Но мне же 5 лет, я не способен разобраться в инструкции и сделать все без ошибок
  • Wow
Реакции: Harland David Sanders


Участник портала
19 Июл 2023
I have version 3 redage
and it's always winter on the server
how can I change it to always be summer or rain etc


Начинающий специалист
25 Май 2023
Добрый день всем кто читает я заранее прошу прощение за глупый вопрос но кто может рассказать как именно заливать одежу (DLS) и прописывать её в магазинах на этой сборке.
PS если данный гайд уже есть прошу тыкнуть меня в него ):j33r:
Можешь стукнуть в дискорд скину где искать минигайд по добавлению одежды в длс редаги

Harland David Sanders

Куратор портала
Команда форума
Куратор портала
high coder
10 Сен 2020
Harland David Sanders обновил(а) ресурс Готовый мод сервера REDAGE RP 3.0 для мультиплеера RAGE:MP на базе RedAge (NeptuneEvo) новой записью:


Узнать больше об этом обновлении...

Harland David Sanders

Куратор портала
Команда форума
Куратор портала
high coder
10 Сен 2020