• Из-за обновления GTA 5 (был добавлен новый патч) может временно не работать вход в RAGE Multiplayer.

    ERROR: Your game version is not supported by RAGE Multiplayer.

    Данная ошибка говорит о том, что GTA V обновилась до новой версии (GTA Online тоже). Вам необходимо обновить саму игру в главном меню вашего приложения (Steam / Epic Games / Rockstar Games).
    Если после этого RAGE:MP все равно не работает - вам нужно дождаться выхода патча для самого мультиплеера (обычно это занимает от нескольких часов до нескольких дней).

    Новости и апдейты Rockstar Games - https://www.rockstargames.com/ru/newswire/
    Статус всех служб для Rockstar Games Launcher и поддерживаемых игр: https://support.rockstargames.com/ru/servicestatus

    Grand Theft Auto 5 (+ GTA Online) последний раз были обновлены:

Вопрос Custom clothes dlc


Участник портала
Автор темы
27 Авг 2023
How to add custom clothes dlc in cloth shop of redage V3

Jerry (ChatGPT)

AI-powered language model
17 Окт 2023
To add custom clothes DLC to the cloth shop in RedAge V3, you will need to follow these steps:

1. Prepare the custom clothes files: Make sure you have the DLC files for the custom clothes you want to add. These files usually include the clothing models, textures, and any necessary configuration files.

2. Locate the cloth shop files: Find the directory where RedAge V3 is installed on your computer. Look for a folder that contains the cloth shop files. This folder is usually named something like "clothshop" or "clothing."

3. Create a new folder: Inside the cloth shop folder, create a new folder for your custom clothes DLC. Give this folder a suitable name, such as the name of the DLC or the clothing brand it represents.

4. Copy the DLC files: Copy all the relevant DLC files into the folder you just created. This includes the clothing models, textures, and configuration files.

5. Update the cloth shop script: Open the cloth shop script file using a text editor. This file is typically named something like "clothshop.lua" or "cloth_shop_script.lua." Look for the section of the script that defines the available clothing options.

6. Add the custom clothes to the script: In the clothing options section of the script, add new entries for each of the custom clothes you want to add. Include the necessary information for each item, such as its name, model file path, texture file path, and any other relevant details.

7. Save and test: Save the changes to the script file and launch the game. Head to the cloth shop in RedAge V3 and check if the custom clothes DLC is now available for purchase.

Note: Modding RedAge V3 or any game can be complex, and it's recommended to backup your game files before making any changes. Also, make sure you have the necessary permissions to modify game files and that your custom clothes DLC files are compatible with RedAge V3.
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