• Из-за обновления GTA 5 (был добавлен новый патч) может временно не работать вход в RAGE Multiplayer.

    Ошибка: Ваша версия Grand Theft Auto V не поддерживается RAGE Multiplayer.
    ERROR: Your game version is not supported by RAGE Multiplayer.

    Данная ошибка говорит о том, что GTA V обновилась до новой версии (GTA Online тоже). Вам необходимо обновить саму игру в главном меню вашего приложения (Steam / Epic Games / Rockstar Games).
    Если после этого RAGE:MP все равно не работает - вам нужно дождаться выхода патча для самого мультиплеера (обычно это занимает от нескольких часов до нескольких дней).

    Новости и апдейты Rockstar Games - https://www.rockstargames.com/newswire/
    Статус всех служб для Rockstar Games Launcher и поддерживаемых игр: https://support.rockstargames.com/ru/servicestatus

    Grand Theft Auto 5 (+ GTA Online) последний раз были обновлены:


16 Окт 2021
[INFO] Starting RAGE Multiplayer server...

|| MaxPlayers 500
|| Sync rate 40ms
|| Name TEST
|| Gamemode roleplay
|| Streaming distance 250
|| Announcement enabled
|| Voice chat enabled
|| Address
|| Connection limits disabled
|| Encryption enabled
|| NodeJS enabled
|| C# enabled

[INFO] Loading NodeJS packages...
[INFO] Starting packages...
[DONE] Server packages have been started.
This is not a published, standalone application and we are unable to locate the .NET Core SDK. Please make sure that it is installed; see http://microsoft.com/net/core for more details.
Initializing Bootstrapper.dll (
-> SERVER STARTED AT 6/13/2022 3:11:15 PM
ACLEnabled: False
Loaded 667 entries from vehicleData.json
Loading resources..
-> Starting client resource..
client: loading scripts.. found 2 script(s)
client: instantiating Meth..
client: instantiating TimerEx..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.CarMarket..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Main..
Loaded config: MySQL Server Здесь мои данные
Loaded config: MySQL User Здесь мои данные
Loaded config: MySQL Password Здесь мои данные
Loaded config: MySQL DataBase db467382_2
Loaded config: MySQL SSL SslMode=none;
Loaded config: Main ServerNumber 1
Loaded config: Main Weather CLEAR
Loaded config: Main SocialClubCheck False
Loaded config: Main ServerName RP
Loaded config: Main VOIPEnabled True
Loaded config: Main RemoteControl False
Loaded config: Main DonateChecker False
Loaded config: Main Donation_Sale False
Loaded config: Main PaydayMultiplier 1
Loaded config: Main ExpMultipler 1
Loaded config: Main SCLog False
Loaded config: Donations Host Здесь мои данные
Loaded config: Donations User donations
Loaded config: Donations Password Здесь мои данные
Loaded config: Donations Database payments
Loaded config: Donations SSL SslMode=None;
Loaded config: Timers delay 100
Loaded config: Timers clearDelay 300000
Loaded config: MySQL Server Здесь мои данные
Loaded config: MySQL User Здесь мои данные
Loaded config: MySQL Password Здесь мои данные
Loaded config: MySQL DataBase Здесь мои данные
Loaded config: MySQL SSL SslMode=none;
15:11:15.986 | Info | GameLog | Worker started
Loaded config: ReportSys AdminLvL 1
Loaded config: EventSys RewardLimit 20000
Loaded config: Elections minVoteLVL 5
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Trigger..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Voice.Voice..
Room VoiceRoom created
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Casino.CarLottery..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Casino.LuckyWheel..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.MoneySystem.Bank..
15:11:16.317 | Info | BankSystem | Loading Bank Accounts...
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.MoneySystem.ATM..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.MoneySystem.Casino..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.MoneySystem.Donations..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.MoneySystem.Wallet..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Jobs.AutoMechanic..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Jobs.Bus..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Jobs.Collector..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Jobs.Construction..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Jobs.Diver..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Jobs.Loader..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Jobs.Miner..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Jobs.DrugFarm..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Jobs.Electrician..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Jobs.GarbageTruck..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Jobs.Gopostal..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Jobs.Lawnmower..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Jobs.Taxi..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Jobs.Truckers..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Jobs.WorkManager..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Jobs.FarmerJob.Farmer..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Jobs.FarmerJob.Market..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.GUI.Dashboard..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.GUI.Docs..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.GUI.MenuManager..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.GUI.CaseController..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.Army..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.ChangeClothes..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.Cityhall..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.Configs..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.CarDelivery..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.ElectionsSystem..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.Ems..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.AlcoFabrication..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.Fbi..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.FractionCommands..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.Manager..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.Stocks..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.MatsWar..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.GangsCapture..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.Gangs..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.HijackingHouse..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.LSNews..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.Mafia..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.MafiaWars..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.Police..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.Sheriff..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Families.Manager..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Houses.Realtor..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Houses.GarageManager..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Houses.Hotel..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Houses.FurnitureManager..
15:11:16.463 | Succ | HouseFurniture | Loaded 722 players furnitures.
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Houses.HouseManager..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.Admin..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.AdminSP..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.BasicSync..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.BusinessManager..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.CarRepair..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.CarRoom..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.Commands..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.ContainerSystem..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.Customization..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.Dimensions..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.Doormanager..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.DrivingSchool..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.Drone..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.EatManager..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.EventSys..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.Fingerpointing..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.Forbes..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.GanGame..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.Hunting..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.nInventory..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.Items..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.Bag..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.PublicGarage..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.Quests..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.Rentcar..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.ReportSys..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.SafeMain..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.RodManager..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.SafeZones..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.Selecting..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.VehChangeNumber..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.VehicleManager..
15:11:17.011 | Info | Vehicle | Loading Vehicles...
15:11:17.133 | Succ | Vehicle | Vehicles are loaded (572)
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.VehicleInventory..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.VehicleStreaming..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.Weapons..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.ArmedBody..
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 3 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 4 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 2 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 3 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 3 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 3 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 3 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 2 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 4 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 2 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 2 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 2 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 2 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 2 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 2 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 2 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 2 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 2 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 2 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 3 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 4 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 3 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 3 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 2 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 3 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 4 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 6 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loaded 123 server events(s)
client: loading commands.. found 1 command(s)
client: loading commands.. found 1 command(s)
client: loading commands.. found 3 command(s)
client: loading commands.. found 1 command(s)
client: loading commands.. found 1 command(s)
client: loading commands.. found 1 command(s)
client: loading commands.. found 2 command(s)
client: loading commands.. found 3 command(s)
client: loading commands.. found 1 command(s)
client: loading commands.. found 3 command(s)
client: loading commands.. found 3 command(s)
client: loading commands.. found 8 command(s)
client: loading commands.. found 236 command(s)
client: loading commands.. found 1 command(s)
client: loading commands.. found 10 command(s)
client: loading commands.. found 1 command(s)
client: loading commands.. found 1 command(s)
client: loaded 277 commands(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 4 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 24 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 2 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 3 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 3 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 2 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 2 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 2 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 2 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 2 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 2 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 3 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 1 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 1 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 3 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 4 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 2 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 4 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 4 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 1 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 2 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 1 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 2 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 1 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 1 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 2 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 1 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 5 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 1 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 1 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 2 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 6 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 6 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 10 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 3 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 2 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 2 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 2 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 3 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 21 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 3 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 1 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 1 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 4 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 2 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 1 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 1 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 4 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 2 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 2 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 2 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 4 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 8 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 4 remote event(s)
client: loaded 184 remote event(s)
client: loading exported functions.. found 1 exported function(s)
15:11:17.564 | Info | FractionConfigs | Fractions: 18
15:11:17.565 | Info | FractionConfigs | Vehicles: 18
15:11:17.565 | Info | FractionConfigs | Ranks: 18
15:11:17.566 | Info | FractionConfigs | Commands: 18
15:11:17.566 | Info | FractionConfigs | Weapons: 18
15:11:17.707 | Succ | GM | redage_v2 2.5.0 2302 started at 2022-06-13T15:11:15
15:11:17.707 | Succ | GM | Assembly compiled 2022-06-13T14:28:38
15:11:17.709 | Info | CarLottery | Loaded
15:11:17.712 | Info | ATMs | Loading ATMs...
15:11:17.818 | Succ | Farmer Golem | Loaded
15:11:17.820 | Succ | Market | Loaded
15:11:18.022 | Info | FamilyManager | Loaded: 9
15:11:18.024 | Info | RealtorManager | Loaded
15:11:18.303 | Succ | Garages | Loaded 766 garages.
15:11:18.616 | Info | Garages | Loading garage cars.
15:11:18.703 | Succ | Garages | 287 vehicles were spawned in garages.
15:11:18.703 | Succ | HouseManager | Loaded 722 houses.
15:11:19.541 | Info | SysContainers | Загружены 5 контейнера
15:11:19.550 | Info | EatManager | Staring timers.
15:11:19.550 | Succ | EatManager | Timers started.
15:11:19.571 | Info | nInventory | Loading player items...
15:11:19.639 | Succ | nInventory | Items loaded.
15:11:19.640 | Info | nInventory | Saving items...
15:11:19.672 | Info | VehChangeNumber | Loaded
-> Resource client started!
Started! Waiting for connections..
15:11:24.612 | Succ | nInventory | Items has been saved to DB.


16 Окт 2021
[INFO] Starting RAGE Multiplayer server...

|| MaxPlayers 500
|| Sync rate 40ms
|| Name TEST
|| Gamemode roleplay
|| Streaming distance 250
|| Announcement enabled
|| Voice chat enabled
|| Address
|| Connection limits disabled
|| Encryption enabled
|| NodeJS enabled
|| C# enabled

[INFO] Loading NodeJS packages...
[INFO] Starting packages...
[DONE] Server packages have been started.
This is not a published, standalone application and we are unable to locate the .NET Core SDK. Please make sure that it is installed; see http://microsoft.com/net/core for more details.
Initializing Bootstrapper.dll (
-> SERVER STARTED AT 6/13/2022 3:11:15 PM
ACLEnabled: False
Loaded 667 entries from vehicleData.json
Loading resources..
-> Starting client resource..
client: loading scripts.. found 2 script(s)
client: instantiating Meth..
client: instantiating TimerEx..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.CarMarket..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Main..
Loaded config: MySQL Server Здесь мои данные
Loaded config: MySQL User Здесь мои данные
Loaded config: MySQL Password Здесь мои данные
Loaded config: MySQL DataBase db467382_2
Loaded config: MySQL SSL SslMode=none;
Loaded config: Main ServerNumber 1
Loaded config: Main Weather CLEAR
Loaded config: Main SocialClubCheck False
Loaded config: Main ServerName RP
Loaded config: Main VOIPEnabled True
Loaded config: Main RemoteControl False
Loaded config: Main DonateChecker False
Loaded config: Main Donation_Sale False
Loaded config: Main PaydayMultiplier 1
Loaded config: Main ExpMultipler 1
Loaded config: Main SCLog False
Loaded config: Donations Host Здесь мои данные
Loaded config: Donations User donations
Loaded config: Donations Password Здесь мои данные
Loaded config: Donations Database payments
Loaded config: Donations SSL SslMode=None;
Loaded config: Timers delay 100
Loaded config: Timers clearDelay 300000
Loaded config: MySQL Server Здесь мои данные
Loaded config: MySQL User Здесь мои данные
Loaded config: MySQL Password Здесь мои данные
Loaded config: MySQL DataBase Здесь мои данные
Loaded config: MySQL SSL SslMode=none;
15:11:15.986 | Info | GameLog | Worker started
Loaded config: ReportSys AdminLvL 1
Loaded config: EventSys RewardLimit 20000
Loaded config: Elections minVoteLVL 5
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Trigger..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Voice.Voice..
Room VoiceRoom created
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Casino.CarLottery..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Casino.LuckyWheel..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.MoneySystem.Bank..
15:11:16.317 | Info | BankSystem | Loading Bank Accounts...
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.MoneySystem.ATM..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.MoneySystem.Casino..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.MoneySystem.Donations..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.MoneySystem.Wallet..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Jobs.AutoMechanic..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Jobs.Bus..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Jobs.Collector..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Jobs.Construction..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Jobs.Diver..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Jobs.Loader..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Jobs.Miner..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Jobs.DrugFarm..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Jobs.Electrician..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Jobs.GarbageTruck..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Jobs.Gopostal..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Jobs.Lawnmower..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Jobs.Taxi..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Jobs.Truckers..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Jobs.WorkManager..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Jobs.FarmerJob.Farmer..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Jobs.FarmerJob.Market..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.GUI.Dashboard..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.GUI.Docs..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.GUI.MenuManager..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.GUI.CaseController..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.Army..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.ChangeClothes..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.Cityhall..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.Configs..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.CarDelivery..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.ElectionsSystem..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.Ems..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.AlcoFabrication..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.Fbi..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.FractionCommands..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.Manager..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.Stocks..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.MatsWar..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.GangsCapture..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.Gangs..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.HijackingHouse..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.LSNews..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.Mafia..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.MafiaWars..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.Police..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Fractions.Sheriff..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Families.Manager..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Houses.Realtor..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Houses.GarageManager..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Houses.Hotel..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Houses.FurnitureManager..
15:11:16.463 | Succ | HouseFurniture | Loaded 722 players furnitures.
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Houses.HouseManager..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.Admin..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.AdminSP..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.BasicSync..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.BusinessManager..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.CarRepair..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.CarRoom..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.Commands..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.ContainerSystem..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.Customization..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.Dimensions..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.Doormanager..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.DrivingSchool..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.Drone..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.EatManager..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.EventSys..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.Fingerpointing..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.Forbes..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.GanGame..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.Hunting..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.nInventory..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.Items..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.Bag..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.PublicGarage..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.Quests..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.Rentcar..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.ReportSys..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.SafeMain..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.RodManager..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.SafeZones..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.Selecting..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.VehChangeNumber..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.VehicleManager..
15:11:17.011 | Info | Vehicle | Loading Vehicles...
15:11:17.133 | Succ | Vehicle | Vehicles are loaded (572)
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.VehicleInventory..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.VehicleStreaming..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.Weapons..
client: instantiating NeptuneEvo.Core.ArmedBody..
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 3 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 4 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 2 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 3 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 3 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 3 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 3 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 2 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 4 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 2 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 2 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 2 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 2 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 2 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 2 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 2 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 2 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 2 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 2 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 3 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 4 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 3 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 3 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 2 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 3 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 4 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 6 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loading server events.. found 1 server event(s)
client: loaded 123 server events(s)
client: loading commands.. found 1 command(s)
client: loading commands.. found 1 command(s)
client: loading commands.. found 3 command(s)
client: loading commands.. found 1 command(s)
client: loading commands.. found 1 command(s)
client: loading commands.. found 1 command(s)
client: loading commands.. found 2 command(s)
client: loading commands.. found 3 command(s)
client: loading commands.. found 1 command(s)
client: loading commands.. found 3 command(s)
client: loading commands.. found 3 command(s)
client: loading commands.. found 8 command(s)
client: loading commands.. found 236 command(s)
client: loading commands.. found 1 command(s)
client: loading commands.. found 10 command(s)
client: loading commands.. found 1 command(s)
client: loading commands.. found 1 command(s)
client: loaded 277 commands(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 4 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 24 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 2 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 3 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 3 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 2 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 2 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 2 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 2 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 2 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 2 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 3 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 1 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 1 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 3 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 4 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 2 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 4 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 4 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 1 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 2 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 1 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 2 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 1 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 1 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 2 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 1 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 5 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 1 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 1 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 2 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 6 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 6 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 10 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 3 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 2 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 2 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 2 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 3 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 21 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 3 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 1 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 1 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 4 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 2 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 1 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 1 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 4 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 2 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 2 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 2 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 4 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 8 remote event(s)
client: loading remote events.. found 4 remote event(s)
client: loaded 184 remote event(s)
client: loading exported functions.. found 1 exported function(s)
15:11:17.564 | Info | FractionConfigs | Fractions: 18
15:11:17.565 | Info | FractionConfigs | Vehicles: 18
15:11:17.565 | Info | FractionConfigs | Ranks: 18
15:11:17.566 | Info | FractionConfigs | Commands: 18
15:11:17.566 | Info | FractionConfigs | Weapons: 18
15:11:17.707 | Succ | GM | redage_v2 2.5.0 2302 started at 2022-06-13T15:11:15
15:11:17.707 | Succ | GM | Assembly compiled 2022-06-13T14:28:38
15:11:17.709 | Info | CarLottery | Loaded
15:11:17.712 | Info | ATMs | Loading ATMs...
15:11:17.818 | Succ | Farmer Golem | Loaded
15:11:17.820 | Succ | Market | Loaded
15:11:18.022 | Info | FamilyManager | Loaded: 9
15:11:18.024 | Info | RealtorManager | Loaded
15:11:18.303 | Succ | Garages | Loaded 766 garages.
15:11:18.616 | Info | Garages | Loading garage cars.
15:11:18.703 | Succ | Garages | 287 vehicles were spawned in garages.
15:11:18.703 | Succ | HouseManager | Loaded 722 houses.
15:11:19.541 | Info | SysContainers | Загружены 5 контейнера
15:11:19.550 | Info | EatManager | Staring timers.
15:11:19.550 | Succ | EatManager | Timers started.
15:11:19.571 | Info | nInventory | Loading player items...
15:11:19.639 | Succ | nInventory | Items loaded.
15:11:19.640 | Info | nInventory | Saving items...
15:11:19.672 | Info | VehChangeNumber | Loaded
-> Resource client started!
Started! Waiting for connections..
15:11:24.612 | Succ | nInventory | Items has been saved to DB.
Как решить данную проблему? сделал все по инструкции


Активный участник
5 Мар 2021
вот такая ошибка

-> Resource client started!
Started! Waiting for connections..
[DONE] Started resource transfer server at 22006 port.
[DONE] Client-side packages weight: 179.098877 MB (uncompressed: 227.671585 MB).
[ERROR] Unable to launch HTTP server: check port+1 availability.
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'CivetException'
what(): null context when constructing CivetServer. Possible problem binding to port.


26 Фев 2021
вот такая ошибка

-> Resource client started!
Started! Waiting for connections..
[DONE] Started resource transfer server at 22006 port.
[DONE] Client-side packages weight: 179.098877 MB (uncompressed: 227.671585 MB).
[ERROR] Unable to launch HTTP server: check port+1 availability.
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'CivetException'
what(): null context when constructing CivetServer. Possible problem binding to port.
пытаешься вторую консоль запустить
перезапусти хост и всё


Участник портала
12 Июл 2022
Меня лишь беспокоит не потраченное время на тестирование потребления ресурсов сервером на том же Debian vs Windows.
Кто-нибудь, в принципе, делал эти тесты? Решил воспользоваться поиском, но интересующего ответа для себя не нашел.
Как правило, OS Windows всегда была более затратной по ресурсам, чем Linux, если не брать в учет версию Core, но кому оно надо без GUI?!


Участник портала
12 Июл 2022
На том же wiki rage информацию не нашел. Странно, что никого не волнует этот вопрос.


15 Окт 2020


15 Окт 2020
Ядро Windows сервера без GUI оболочки - графического интерфейса.
У винды всегда есть графический интерфейс. Запустить винду без него - можно только принудительно, если пиздец как хочется, правда не понятно нахуя
Может ты имел ввиду линукс-системы наоборот? Для дебиана и прочей истории - есть миллион гуишек типа кде, гнома, мейта, опенбокса - тысячи их
У дебиана по умолчанию же даже гном стоит по моему


Участник портала
12 Июл 2022
У винды всегда есть графический интерфейс. Запустить винду без него - можно только принудительно, если пиздец как хочется, правда не понятно нахуя
Может ты имел ввиду линукс-системы наоборот? Для дебиана и прочей истории - есть миллион гуишек типа кде, гнома, мейта, опенбокса - тысячи их
У дебиана по умолчанию же даже гном стоит по моему

Нет. Под Server Core его нет.
И нет необходимости запускать принудительно.
Мой вопрос в целом был о производительности сервера и затрате ресурсов на Windows Server Core между Debian, ибо тестов я не увидел, как и рекомендаций.


15 Окт 2020
Нет. Под Server Core его нет.
И нет необходимости запускать принудительно.
Мой вопрос в целом был о производительности сервера и затрате ресурсов на Windows Server Core между Debian, ибо тестов я не увидел, как и рекомендаций.
Но тебе же никто не мешает его накатить принудительно, если очень надо?
Здесь я откровенно говоря плаваю - я никогда не ставил гуи на серверный линукс (я вообще в основном юзал редхат, а не дебиан) - просто потому что не видел в этом никакого смысла, как-то было привычнее хуярить через консоль. Но наверное это же вполне реально, если очень надо? 22 год как никак.
Конкретных тестов производительности рейджа под разными осями я тоже никогда не видел - но вроде банальная логика подсказывает, что под никс-системами любой серверный процесс должен работать быстрее, просто из за кучи лишнего дерьма в любой винде.


Участник портала
12 Июл 2022
Но тебе же никто не мешает его накатить принудительно, если очень надо?
Здесь я откровенно говоря плаваю - я никогда не ставил гуи на серверный линукс (я вообще в основном юзал редхат, а не дебиан) - просто потому что не видел в этом никакого смысла, как-то было привычнее хуярить через консоль. Но наверное это же вполне реально, если очень надо? 22 год как никак.
Конкретных тестов производительности рейджа под разными осями я тоже никогда не видел - но вроде банальная логика подсказывает, что под никс-системами любой серверный процесс должен работать быстрее, просто из за кучи лишнего дерьма в любой винде.
Да мне не нужен GUI на Linux. Мне он в принципе не нужен. Не в нем же дело.
RedHat больше под бизнес - CentOS ему бесплатная альтернатива.
Так я об этом и говорю с первого сообщения, что unix более производительнее, чем windows, но опять же, под windows есть server core.
Под server core не используется GUI интерфейс - обычная консоль, что делает windows более производительнее.
Все начало моей дискуссии заключено в том, что никто не приводит нигде аргументов в производительности между windows / windows server core и тем же debian.


15 Окт 2020
Да мне не нужен GUI на Linux. Мне он в принципе не нужен. Не в нем же дело.
RedHat больше под бизнес - CentOS ему бесплатная альтернатива.
Так я об этом и говорю с первого сообщения, что unix более производительнее, чем windows, но опять же, под windows есть server core.
Под server core не используется GUI интерфейс - обычная консоль, что делает windows более производительнее.
Все начало моей дискуссии заключено в том, что никто не приводит нигде аргументов в производительности между windows / windows server core и тем же debian.
Скорее всего существенной разница в производительности становится заметна на таких объёмах обрабатываемых данных, что до этого просто не доходило :)
Если говорить про рейдж по крайней мере.
Честно говоря не думаю что вообще кто-либо использует серверкор. Выбор скорее стоит между обычным винсервер и никс-системами, где вторые конечно выигрывают.
Искать сравнительные тесты производительности между серверкором и никс-системами отстранённо от рейджа мне кажется нужно на каких-нибудь зарубежных ресурсах)


Участник портала
12 Июл 2022
Скорее всего существенной разница в производительности становится заметна на таких объёмах обрабатываемых данных, что до этого просто не доходило :)
Если говорить про рейдж по крайней мере.
Честно говоря не думаю что вообще кто-либо использует серверкор. Выбор скорее стоит между обычным винсервер и никс-системами, где вторые конечно выигрывают.
Искать сравнительные тесты производительности между серверкором и никс-системами отстранённо от рейджа мне кажется нужно на каких-нибудь зарубежных ресурсах)
В том и дело, что запрос не только в русский гугл создавал, чтоб найти :) Пусто))
  • Sad
Реакции: Inoi


Начинающий специалист
6 Авг 2022
Как заливать через FTP на хостинг сборку GTA 5 RP cервера?


26 Фев 2021


Начинающий специалист
6 Авг 2022
Есть ли какой-то видеоурок по этому делу?